Saturday, October 31, 2009

The End!!

Finally, this sem ended...i really get exhausted n tortured by the tonnes of stress from assginments, researches n exam...lazy mode seems never been deactivated since last 2 sem...I hav 1 whole week to study for my FIN408 final, yet i still screwed up my paper...i tried my best to study n understand all the theories and calculations for finance banking...but why i cant apply all these in the exam?!oh, really SH*T!!

I was in an extremely bad mood when coming out from the exam hall, feel like crying...I hate this kind of situation...where i supposed to be able to answer d question well but i screwed it up myself...

Anyway, this torturing short sem has ended...2 months holidays!!hope i really can enjoy my holidays...

Saturday, October 24, 2009


终于都来到了这学期的最后一天...我期待已久的这一天...hurray!!!真的该好好休息了我...眼睛都快睁不开了!!进入这学期的最后一个星 期,竟然是最忙的一个星期...要交三份assignment以及一个presentation...每天做assignment做到没天没夜的,累死 了!!

现在,解脱啦!!哈哈,不必每天找资料,更不必每天忙到没时间睡觉...现在有足足一个星期的时间准备我的final exam...嘻嘻,不必羡慕我...因为,一个星期或许还不够呢!!
